sabato 13 dicembre 2014
giovedì 11 dicembre 2014
Blessing Chimanga and Zimbo-Ita present the fist Single!!!!! Maruva Enyika!!!
Just few hours from the Online Release.....May i take this oppotunity to thank the wonderful people that worked with me on this Single...Thankx to my brothers the Zimboita Family Max Covini on drums, Matteo Boldini on Keyboards and Ronald Mhundwa on bass, welldone brothers for this great work and its ready to be shared to the world....Vimbai Gabriel Mukarati my brother for life since school days o...n Saxphone, Ezekiel Chimheno, Nicholar Mutuwa and Faith WaBoaz Nunurai for the wonderful and sweet backing my brother Esteban Copete from Colombia thank u for featuring on this song on Soprano Sax...Lastly to Whereitsat Studios David Sengwayo and Pritchard Chikwama thank u sooooo much for the hardwork and patience and above all the Excellencey in the recording, mixing and Masterting......Ladies and Gentleman today is the day....STAY TUNED!!!#MaruvaEnyika #releasetoday
domenica 9 novembre 2014
Unforgettable African tour 2014
Unforgettable African Dream Tour 2014
Only the title will be the best way to explain this wonderful tour. IT WAS UNFORGETTABLE and the memories will stay in our hearts forever and forever.The tour started with all 3 of us flying together from Italy in the same plane being the loudest and making the most noisy, waiting and looking forward to the African tour. We landed in Zimbabwe doing a great rehersal with our African bass player Mr Ronald Mhundwa who was joining us for the tour for the first time to play with us and travel with us. The man did not disappoint us in the rehersals but gave us even more hope for the tour.
Our first African show was at the Magis Africa Concert. We are grateful for Magis Zim who were our sponsor for the african tour. Magis is a gathering of young Catholics who come to one country every year from all parts of the world to share their experiences and also share that county's experience and this year Zimbabwe hosted. We were blessed to have been chosen to be the main act of that festival.
We went on to be on the bus to Zambia which had many adventures of us sleeping on the boarder post between Zim and Zambia having to wait for the opening the next morning. The sleep on the boarder was very memorable for Max Covini(drummer) who kept on saying he could see elephants coming towards the bus. This already got 4 of us excited of what more was in store for us in this tour. We Arrived in Zambia and settled well and received with joy by friends and fans from Zambia. We can not forget to mention the amazing press conference we had with the media house of Zambia, this was great. Zambia has some of the most supportive media house and we would like to extend our thank you to them. 29 August 2014 marked our first Zambian concert as we played at Barefeet festival. The festival had upto 2000+ attendance at the Lusaka civic grounds. We went on stage at 10pm power packed after a wonderful set by Zambians best Pompi. We delivered our very best and the Zambian crowd loved every step of the show, they sang along to songs they knew and even those we taught them onstage. We saw amazing dance moves in the crowd and we also displayed well polished dance moves. There is no question that this concert got us more Zambian people following Zimboita and this will always be the best thing about Zambia. Our Song "Joy in my heart" took the best song of the night as the whole crowd sang along and fell into that love mood as the song says. After delivering such a performance we were asked to play at the closing party of the festival staff and we did justice again and delivered a great show. 4 days in Zambia felt like a day as we enjoyed everything about Zambia especially the wonderful welcoming people.
We went on to South Africa heading to Capetown for some 6 shows. All the shows were a great success and the highlight of Capetown was the huge support we got from the Zimbabwean community that stays there. Zimbabweans came out in their numbers and told more people about Zimboita. From the wonderful beach and views of capetown we took the shortest road trip of the tour going to Botswana.
We arrived in Botswana(Gaborone) with great expectation and looking forward to our 1st appearance in Botswana. We were confident but also with fear of the unknown. As we walked into our hotel rooms the peace, privacy and excellence of the hotel made us even feel more at home in Botswana and relax and be ready for the show. 4pm after sound check at Botswana craft we did not know what to expect, we did not know if a crowd was coming even advance ticket sales were not looking too good but we kept the faith and the drive. A lovely local jazz band made up of 4 young Botswana musicians opened the night with some jazz and warmed up the people for the Zimboita set. By 9pm the place was 50% full and by the time we went on stage 10pm the place was full of people. We were so thankful that people responded even to a band that they don't know. This gave us serious drive and the willingness to deliever a worldclass show. Zimboita did just that living the Botswana people asking for more. The theme song called MARUVA ENYIKA(flowers of the world) was the sing along song of the night as we translated part of the song to sing in Tswana. The girls could not resist the scream as Matteo(Keyboard player) sang in Sitswana for the first time and also showcased his dance moves. The traditinal song Mawere Kongonya from Zimbabwe got all the Zimbabweans coming to dance in front as they sang along and thought of their home country Zimbabwe. Ronald did not waste that opportunity and made sure he did justice on that bass and his african dance moves. Blessing got the ladies in tears as he sang his heart with his crispy voice.
The final stop of the tour was again a new country for Zimboita and this was at the beach side in Zanzibar Tanzania. Max was in tears as he arrived at the hotel which was right by the beach. He could not believe that he was right close to the Indian ocean and he could swim in it. This was the best stop for Max as he is a serious beach fan. Nevertheless the festival in Zanzibar was called Beachsports and Music festival therefore we had to play some sports first before playing the music. So as Zimboita we decided to be a football team and to play against a local hotel team. This was very fun even though we lost to a score line we shall not dispose. The greatest thing about this match was that we were brave enough to challenge a normal soccer team to play against us musicians who only know how to be on stage and not in the soccer field. This also was a great way to unite our hearts, be in the spirit of the festival, just relax and do something different from the normal.
The same night we then headlined the festival sharing stage with wonderful musicians from all over the world like Jacob Bain from USA, Sona Jobert from Gambia and local Tanzanian artists. We shared our music and the audience received and danced the night away on the beach. We spent last 3 days just as holiday time and relaxing and reflecting on the tour and planning for the future.
For us we learnt so many things, we are overwhelmed with the support we got around the world and we are happy we shared our music to the people. We are now very positive that Zimboita is a celebration of peace, joy and happiness and so many people need this across the world.
2015 we are coming strong and we are ready to take over the world.
Watch out for our 1st Album coming out by April 2015.
lunedì 11 agosto 2014
Ultimi concerti in Italia del "Journey of love tour 2014"
Ci siamo!
Inizia l'ultima settimana in Italia prima della partenza per un altro grande tour in Africa!
Ecco le ultime date...non potete mancare!!
Mercoledi 13 saremo al Marcus Club, Tempio della Musica Novarese.
Giovedi 14 al Centro D'Ompio di Pratolungo
Venerdi 15 in Piazza a Quarna Sopra (VB)
Domenica 17 ci saluteremo con un grande Party e concerto finale con tanti ospiti al Foxtrot Pub!
We are family!!!!!!!!!
Al basso in queste date il nostro grandissimo fratello Andrea Medici
Inizia l'ultima settimana in Italia prima della partenza per un altro grande tour in Africa!
Ecco le ultime date...non potete mancare!!
Mercoledi 13 saremo al Marcus Club, Tempio della Musica Novarese.
Giovedi 14 al Centro D'Ompio di Pratolungo
Venerdi 15 in Piazza a Quarna Sopra (VB)
Domenica 17 ci saluteremo con un grande Party e concerto finale con tanti ospiti al Foxtrot Pub!
We are family!!!!!!!!!
Al basso in queste date il nostro grandissimo fratello Andrea Medici
mercoledì 25 giugno 2014
Journey of love tour 2014!!!
Dopo la grande serata al Percfest 2014 siamo pronti per il grande festival blues di Ameno!!!!
Vi Aspettiamo Venerdi 27!!!! Ameno Blues Festival!!!
lunedì 9 giugno 2014
Ci Siamo!!!!!! Zimbo-Ita ready for Italy!!!!!!!!!
Eccoci pronti per l'inizio della stagione estiva in Italia!
Ecco le prime date del Mese di Giugno:
15 June Omegna (VB) Festa Oratorio S.Cuore
20 June St. Moritz (Switzerland) Zimbo-Ita Guest with Amanda e la Banda
21 June Scimmie Milan Blessing and Max Guest with Amanda e la Banda
22 June Laigueglia (SV) Zimbo-Ita at international Percfest
26 June Lesa (NO) Private Show
27 June Ameno (NO) Ameno Blues festival - Zimbo-Ita and Vieux Farka Toure (Mali)
Ecco le prime date del Mese di Giugno:
15 June Omegna (VB) Festa Oratorio S.Cuore
20 June St. Moritz (Switzerland) Zimbo-Ita Guest with Amanda e la Banda
21 June Scimmie Milan Blessing and Max Guest with Amanda e la Banda
22 June Laigueglia (SV) Zimbo-Ita at international Percfest
26 June Lesa (NO) Private Show
27 June Ameno (NO) Ameno Blues festival - Zimbo-Ita and Vieux Farka Toure (Mali)
VI ASPETTIAMO!!!!!!!!!!!
giovedì 15 maggio 2014
Zimboita Educational tour Italy 2014 by Tafadzwa Sasa

Educational and Workshop Tour 2014.
This year we launched something new in our calendar –theZimboita Educational and Workshop tour 2014. The purely teaching and workshops tour saw us working with 10 schools around Italy where we mainly taught African culture, music, dances and songs.
Our Zimbo partner-passionate Drummer Blessing ‘Bled’ Chimanga flew in from Zimbabwe for the tour. Alongside Theresa Muteta - an International acclaimed mbira, vocalist and dancer from Zimbabwe too, they brought in high qualitycomponents and passionate expertise in African music. The Zim duo together with Italian Max Covini and Matteo Boldini saw Zimboita delivering a whole month of highly energised andexciting workshops for the young Italian students.
It was a great joy to see the Italian students having their first experience holding a mbira instrument in their hands. Mbira is a special Zimbabwean instrument which celebrates the culture of Zimbabweans and Africa as a whole. Marimba, another Zimbabwean instrument, was also a highlight on this trip as many students from the schools showed interest in learning how to play Marimba. The energy and passion by the Zimboita coaches rubbed onto the are generally shy and holding back Italian children who slowly opened up and had such fun in the workshops belting out shona songs such as "Hondo", "Nhemamusasa" and "Mawere Kongonya". Theresa Muteta taught them dances named Dinhe and Mhande. It was also interesting as the children asked touching questions which showed their rather amusing perspective of Africa.
At the end of the month the children proudly exhibited the results of their hard work for the month in a concert for their parents. It was a great pay off watching the children display the music, dances and sounds of the African music and culture. The tour was a success because the children learnt Zimabwean and African music and acquired a better understanding of Zimbabwe and Africa as a place, a people and a culture. A lot of them expressed interest in actually visiting the country and other parts of Africa, now that they have a more beautiful understanding. Some of the schools that participated have shown interest in adding African Music lessons to their curriculum and several schools have already made bookings to be included in the 2015 edition of the tour.
Zimboita believes the success of the group is in teaching and empowering the next generation with the culture and values of the 2 countries. We believe we are just an example to the rest of the world that people can come together and bring out one sound and educate one another on their different cultures and at the end of the day be proud to be who they are yet appreciate other cultures and their values. We are already excited and looking forward to the 2015 Zimboita Educational and workshop tour.
mercoledì 19 marzo 2014
Ci Siamo!!!!!!! La nuova stagione è iniziata!!
Dopo il grande successo del Tour di didattico con Theresa Muteta ora Blessing sarà con noi fino al 10 Aprile!!!
Poi si parte per lo Zimbabwe per partecipare al grande festival Hifa 2014!!!!!!
Poi si parte per lo Zimbabwe per partecipare al grande festival Hifa 2014!!!!!!
venerdì 14 febbraio 2014
"Hold on to your dreams". Happy valentine Day!!!!!!!!!!!! Love is the way!!!!
mercoledì 8 gennaio 2014
Happy 2014!!!!!!!! Zimbo-Ita Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ci siamo!
Dopo un fantastico 2013 con il nostro tour italiano e il primo "African Dream tour" che ha toccato Zambia, Zimbabwe e Sud Africa; stiamo pianificando la nuova stagione!
Tenete d'occhio il blog....a breve gli aggiornamenti!
Vado in giro per il mondo...............yeah!!!!!!!
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